Saturday, January 9, 2010

Being Better Than Yesterday

Was I super successful today?


Was I better than yesterday?



I guess that's what matters right?

Being better than yesterday?


This morning (almost afternoon) when I woke up, I was very intentional about making myself a large and delicious, yet healthy, breakfast.

Breakfast is my favorite meal and I never make time for it. Ever.

Also, I hear its the most important meal, setting the tone for the rest of the day.

So, I made my usual oatmeal with the usual trappings. But, I also made killer scrambled eggs.

In the past, when I've made scrambled eggs I've used lots of butter to make the pan unsticky.

Lots of butter.

So much butter that you could no longer call it butter, but budda.

Today I used Extra Virgen Olive Oil.

And that was a good freaking choice.

Let me paraphrase Robert Frost here:

I took the road less travled and it made all the difference.

Those were damn good eggs.


At work the manager of the bar behind us came in for coffee.

We chatted a bit, and I made her drink extra yummy. (It'll be the ridiculous drink of the day.)

She told me later that I should stop by and she'd buy me a drink. AWESOME!

This bar also has a quarterly deal where you can get a $1 Half Pound burger with chips.

So, I could've gone out for a (free) drink and a (practically free) burger.

I didn't.

Yesterday, I would've.


I went to my buddies barnapartment today. There was pizza again. Instead of many slices. I had a single slice and a side of deer meat chilli.

Deer meat is nice and lean, and all the veggies were fresh. So, that was not a bad choice at all.


I wasn't great today. I'll admit it. I had a sugary espresso drink. But, I was better.


BREAKFAST: Oatmeal with peanut butter, bananananananas, and non-fat milk. And awesome eggs.
LUNCH: Water and a yogurt parfait.
DINNER: Slice of pizza and chilli.

2 Sets of:
10 Crunches
3 Leg Lifts
5 Push ups

WATER GAUGE: Exactly 40 oz! (By the end of next week, I want to have this up to 80 oz)



All The Love My Massive Heart Can Give,

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