Sunday, January 3, 2010

Where Have The Last Eight Months Gone?

I decided to put this off until a Sunday.

Sunday's are good for second starts.

Maybe you're a church going person, maybe not. For the churchy folks, you get why Sunday is a good day for second starts. For, unchurchy folks, Sundays are stil good for second starts because they're the first day of the week.

So, here we go.


Over the last past eight months people have asked me a variety of different variations of this one question:

"What happened to Get Fit Tommy?"

For awhile, I answered akwardly:

"Umm... You know... Just taking a break... That kind of thing... Excuses... Too hard to update, but I'm still at it... Excuses..."

Now, when people ask I'm a bit more honest:

"He got fit, then fat."


I re-read the last post from back in June, '09. I mentioned how my fitness was no good, all around. I slept too late, stayed up too late, watched too much television, that kind of thing.

Although, I've WAY let my body go, I can honestly say I've made some strides in those other areas.

I started working at Starbucks after I finished round one of Get Fit Tommy. I can safely say, I don't sleep in too late on a regular basis.

I've seen hours, you didn't know existed.

I also am normally in bed no later then midnight. So, that's good.

I only watch T.V. maybe once a week. And now that "Glee" isn't on for a few more months, I'm sure it'll stay that way.

Also, I've been pretty creative. I've started a novel. Written a good plenty of short stories. I'm working on my first kids book. And I read more now, then ever before. Which is a lot, considering how much I used to read.

So, not all is bunk.


I'm starting over this time. And, before you roll your eyes, I'm gonna invite you back on this trip with me.

Things will be rough.

But, do-able.

So, join me.


All The Love My Even More Massive Heart Can Give,