Friday, January 8, 2010

A Snow Day, or, Pizza and Beer, or, What It's Going To Take

A Snow Day:

Today, I woke up to a winter wonderland. Which is horrible because Christmas has passed.

Also, "winter wonderland" is kind of a tired cliche. (So, is calling a cliche "tired.")

Anyways, the first thing about my winter wonderland was my first snow day in a long time.

I woke up to a classmate leaving me a voicemail saying class was cancelled. Which left me with nothing to do today. All of my activities were school related: working on a paper, talking to financial aid, actually going to class.

So, I went to Starbucks, got some work done for some of my side projects and then went to my buddies apartment, which is really a barn with a loft apartment in it, and watched the best of Will Ferrel and 30Rock.

More on the barnapartment, now...


Pizza And Beer:

This happens to be one of my favorite food/drink combos, and neither is good for getting fit.

One buddy brought the pizza. And there was already an imported German beer there.

Had to.



What Its Going To Take:

So, I worked out a little bit for the first time today.

Afterwards I stood up and looked down and said:

"Yep, still fat."

That's probably because of all the cheats I've made in the past four days since (re)starting. And, because I just started.

So, this is what it's going to take.

1) I'm gonna have to stop putting off exercising. Tomorrow, I'm gonna set some time aside to make some goals and a plan. Without an action plan I'll skip working out altogether, and that won't get me into a Onesie.

I'll post the action plan alongside another blog.

2) I'm going to stop cheating. I enjoy healthy food. I enjoy it more than unhealthy food. I'd choose asparagus over a Snickers any day. A good fine cheese with wine over a frozen cheese pizza and cheap beer. Water over soda pop.

Those other foods are just conveient. So, I'm going to go out of my way to supply myself with better foods and only eat the bad foods in moderation.


BREAKFAST: Oatmeal with peanut butter, bananananananas, and non-fat milk.
LUNCH: Water and an small Italian Beef Sandwich.
DINNER: Pizza and Beer. Lots of pizza, only one beer. (I try to never drink more than one beer. Anymore than that leads to a bad territory, and I'm not for abusing the drink.)

2 Sets of:
10 Crunches
3 Leg Lifts

WATER GAUGE: Just shy of 40 oz

RIDICULOUS-DRINK-OF-THE-DAY: Grande Signature Hot Chocolate... You may be saying to your self at this very moment "Why, Tommy that's a standard drink?"... Well, don't get ahead of yourself quite yet I'm not done. The ridiculous drink of the day is actually a Grande Signature Hot Chocolate Steamed to 150 degrees.

Customers shouldn't be so anal. Seriously, that's not much cooler than we baristas steam the milk to anyways.


All The Love My Massive Heart Can Give,


Sorry, for the ad.

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