Saturday, May 23, 2009

Creepers, Crawler, and The Police

So, today was a mildly boring day. But a lucky one too.

I thought I worked next on Monday, so, out of curiosity (and boredom) I drove allllllll the way to work. I did this so I could write and figure out my schedule. Luckily, I did. Why? Because I work tomorrow morning. YIKES! Good thing I went in.


I was taking a walk tonight and well. It was high-larry-us! First, I'm pretty sure the first park I stopped at there was a police officer. She said hello. I did too. Then I said, "Nice night for a walk, eh?" She agreed.

Then I went to the next park. This park is flat nothing and perfect for star gazing. The moment I laid my head down a cop car pulls up on the other end of the park and shines his lights, scanning the park for miscreants like myself. So, I hid.

I wasn't doing anything wrong, but it reminded me of being out past curfew when I was in middle school.

Then all the bugs starting buzzing and singing.


I was attacked four times by birds today. Which I think puts the BIRD ATTACK COUNT: 14.


BREAKFAST - Eggs with cheese, a bowl of Kashi and milk.
SNACK 1 - Flaxseed Peanut Butter Bar
DINNER - Tuna Sandwich
SNACK 2 - hasn't happened yet, but I'm thinking maybe some baked beans. Cold.

approx. 4.5 mile bike ride
approx. 4 mile walk

WATER GAUGE: approx. 60 oz.


All The Love My Massive Heart Can Give,

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