Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Today Felt Like A Good Day

I feel like I did good today. Which is nice, because lately, in most areas of my life, I don't feel like I've done good.

I'm going to be entirely honest from this point on. I may sound a bit mopey, so if that is not your style... mine either, skip ahead to the diet and exercise, Days-without-soda-pop-o-meter/water gauge.


Life sucks when you've been introspective. Lets agree on that, now. I don't know about you, but if I take a quick look inside, well, normally I don't like what I see. I'm a bit of an airhead, kind of lazy, self absorbed, fat, sleep deprived, frustrated, lonely, all of those fun things. I don't feel great most days. Since, probably January, very few days have felt like good days. Mostly, because I've had time to think about my life and what I'm doing with it.

I don't know.

Am I the only person who ever feels that way? Please, tell me I'm not. Seriously, that would be tremendous of you, to let me know that you're in this game of life with me.

Anyways, today felt like a good day. I think my body is really responding to the last couple of days of watching what I eat, and minimal exercise. My body kind of really likes it.

Walking to class today, I felt like a million dollars. I felt like I looked good (which, mostly I never do, which explains this whole "Get Fit Tommy" campagin). I was prepared for class. It was a decent temperature. I had a good breakfast. So, that was good.

Then, class was really good. People read stories they had written this semester.

Then, I went to work. Also, good.

Then, I hung out with friends. Good.

So, today, I felt like I did good.


BREAKFAST - Bananananananananana (Gwen Stefanie! Strike two!), and a whole grain bagel.
LUNCH - A mini-burger from the cafeteria, with no cheese or toppings, and entirely not worth the dollar I spent on it.
DINNER - Chicken Barley Soup, a roast beef fajita (not that great), a small handful of chips.
SNACK - Yogurt Parfait with granola, blueberries and strawberries.
MIDNIGHT SNACK - Banananananananananananana

-3 sets of 10 Crunches, 3 leg lifts
- 5 pushups, just to see if I can still do 'em... I can. I'll be adding several sets of those tomorrow night.

WATER GAUGE: 110 oz.


All The Love My Massive Heart Can Give,


  1. Sup, cuz. Here's something I found a while ago but never got around to trying. I may start my own "get fit" blog just so I have a place to document stuff too. Keep it up, you're doing better than me right now.


  2. I started a fit blog too. danhasbike.blogspot.com
